Thursday 08/03/07

Today is grey and increasingly windy. Even more windy is the town of Port Hedland, Western Australia, which gets a late evening visit from TC George. Winds screech up to 275 kph. I am able to listen to the local radio station on-line, and keep up to date with the hurricane warnings. The weather station at Port Hedland gets knocked out by the extreme conditions. Winds here touch galeforce. In New York, 8 children die in a house fire. Rain commences at 3.30pm, and it’s pouring down. Went out for some shopping at 4 o’clock, and found the wind more of a problem than the rain. At Eoropie, gusts reach 78 mph. At 7pm, the winds drop away to force 3, 10 mph. The ferry sailed through all of that, to return on time at 8pm. Over in Australia, TC George has left a trail of devastation, injuries and at least one death.

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